what to do in Quito

Support local people Ecuador

Support local people while booking your Ecuador Food Tour

Support local people Ecuador!!

Did you know you are supporting local people while you book your Ecuador Food Tour? You are not just satisfying your desire to have a great experience. You are helping local people – small vendors, restaurant owners, small entrepreneurs, and a food tour operator (me). If you are wondering how, here’s the explanation:

When you book a cooking class, for example, we buy the fruit, vegetables, and all the ingredients at the neighborhood grocery shop, and they benefit from it.

Reserving a local market tour, we buy fruit and some typical foods in the Quito market, and the vendors benefit from it.

When you book the Old Town food tour, all of the snacks that I purchase benefit locals and small vendors Coffee and chocolate tasting are small businesses. The owner of the coffee tasting is the daughter of a couple of farmers from Cloud Forest who have their own organic coffee plantation, and she has a small coffee shop in Old Town Quito. Chocolate Tasting is a women’s enterprise that started about six years ago, and makes 100 % artisanal chocolate.

Local restaurants and the ice cream shop benefit when you book a guinea pig tasting or a full day of local market and cooking.

Support local people Ecuador

If you choose any of our food tours and stay local, I host lunch or dinner options for tourists in my own home. You will have home-cooked local food. I use local ingredients.

If you want to support indigenous cultures, choose Otavalo Market. You will be helping when you buy Ecuadorian souvenirs from local vendors. You get local food in a typical restaurant, and we will buy some fruits to taste. In fact, you are actually changing their income and their way of life.

While many companies may seem local online, the owners may belong to the world’s largest international company or be from another country. Ecuador Food Tours is locally owned and operated.

In fact, when you book any Ecuador food tour, you are helping local people as well.