Ecuador culinary guide

Ecuador Culinary Guide

Ecuador Culinary Guide

Ecuador has a great diversity of cuisines. This Ecuador Culinary Guide is part  that you will get during your time traveling in this beautiful country. Ecuador is more than just warm and friendly people; vibrant culture; mountains; and beautiful beaches; it is also a gastronomic destination.

In the four regions of Ecuador: the Andes, Amazon, Coast, and Galapagos, the gastronomy is varied and very tasty. Every province also has its own traditional food. In this blog, I am going to list the general Ecuadorian typical cuisine by region.

Surprisingly, the authentic and traditional flavors can be found on the street, in restaurants, very basic and expensive restaurants.

Ecuador Culinary Guide


Hornado: pork cooked in wood. In essence, it is accompanied by potato pancakes, mote (white corn cooked),   avocado, lettuce, onions, and agrio added on the top of the hornado. The agrio is made with beer or chicha.

Fritada: fried pork, chopped into cubes, and also served with mote. It comes with fried ripe plantain (maduro), corn on the cob (choclo), and sometimes cooked or fried potatoes.

Cuy: roasted Guinea pig accompanied by a cooked potato with a yellow or peanut sauce, avocado, and lettuce.

Llapingacho: It is potato pancakes, fried sausage, and an egg served with avocado, tomato, and lettuce.

Locro de papa—Potato stew: starchy potato that breaks down well into a thick stew. They added milk, cheese, and, on top, avocado.

Caldo de Patas: A stew made with cow’s hooves served with mote as in the photo.

Churrasco: A big plate with rice, fried beef, French fries, an egg, lettuce, tomato, and avocado.


Ceviche: cooked seafood, chopped onions, tomatoes, lime juice, and cold tomato sauce. Ceviche is served with popcorn, and chifles (green plantain chips). In the Andes, additionally, they will serve you with tostado (toasted corn).

Seco de pollo o carne: chicken or beef stew cooked slowly in tomato sauce with beer or chicha.

Bolon: boiled and mashed green plantain. It has a ball shape, stuffed with cheese or pork rind and fried. Besides, it is served with a fried egg and aji sauce.

Empanadas: It’s a cooked and thoroughly mashed green plantain. It is similar to bolon but made in an empanada shape stuffed with cheese or shrimp. The empanada is fried as well as bolon.

Camarones apanados: crispy and breaded shrimp. It is accompanied by rice, patacones (green plantain), and encurtido (pickled with onion, tomato, and cucumber).

Tigrillo: green plantain cooked and mashed. It serves with cheese and an egg on top. As an option, it can be served with seco de pollo or carne on the side.

Viche de pescado: green plantain soup with corn, fish, yuca (cassava) and peanuts.

Cangrejo: they cook red crab with sasoning water and beer. The sasonings are: onions, garlic, pepper, coriander, cumin, chili, and ripe plantain. It comes with encurtido. Altogether is my favorite.

Tonga: It is rice, fried ripe plantain, chicken prey, and peanut sauce wrapped in a banana leaf.

Encebollado: fish soup with yuca (cassava root), pepper, lemon, tomato blended, cilantro. On the top, onions. It is also accompanied by green plantain chips, popcorn, or bread.


Maito: it is a wrap fish on a banana leaf or bijao leaf (a plant from the Amazon). The base of the seasoning is salt. They cook over firewood and served with cooked yuca.

Ayampaco: it is chicken or pork wrapped in a banana leaf. In the wrap, it comes with chili and some vegetables from the Amazon. They cook on a grill.

Chicha de chontaduro y yuca: it is a fermented drink. The indigenous people use chontaduro (fruit from the Amazon) and yuca to make this famous beverage. They take part in some special events.

Uchumanka: It is a spicy soup prepared with smoked chicken or fish, wild mushrooms, heart palm, chili, and other products from the Amazon (patas muyo and piton).

Chontacuro: It is a worm take out of the chonta palm. They roast, steam, or fry it.



Ceviche de canchalagua: a mollusk prepared with onions, tomatoes, lime juice, and cold tomato sauce. It comes with rice and popcorn.

Arroz Marinero: a yellow rice with all the Ecuadorian seafood: fish, shrimps, shells, squid and mussels. It usually contains garlic, pepper, onions, and a touch of coriander. In some places, they add coconut milk.

Bacalao con papas: It is a stew based on tomatoes, peppers, and garlic with cod and potatoes.

Sopa marinera: It is a seafood soup with onions, garlic, peanut sauce, cilantro, and green plantain.

Langosta y cangrejo: Lobster and crab alongside with a special seafood sauce and rice.

Ecuador Culinary Guide

In conclusion, if you want to feel more deep inside Ecuadorian culture, you must try any of the listed dishes above.